Welcome to the home page for the
Lake Area Light Show
The penguins wanted me to tell you "Hi"!
The penguins wanted to take a selfie for the web page. Here it is
They also wanted to do a fun shot so here it is too.
2020 Show Schedule
2020 show selections will be taken from the following and we're working on a few others:
Hallelujah Chorus
Carol of the Bells (Foster)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
12 Days of Christmas al la Penguins
Mad Russian's Christmas
Auld Lang Syne
Christmas Angels
I Need a Silent Night
Christmas Can-Can
Christmas Angels
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Christmas Eve Sarajevo
Carol of the Bells
Rawhide ala Bob
Joy to the World
Still Nacht
The Christmas Story w/Linus
Coming Soon: Hark the Hearld Angels Sing
Sun-Thur - 5:30-10pm
Fri & Sat - 5:30-11pm

2017 Show:
We got tired of counting
2013 Show:
Total independant channels used: 144
Total number of lights: ________
2012 Show:
Total independant channels used: 128
Total number of lights: 32,621
- 31,100 minature lights
- 1,425 c7 lights
- 46 spot lights
- 12 Strobe lights
- 50 c9 lights
Total length of extension cords used: 8,170 feet (1.55 miles)
2011 Show:
Same as 2010
2010 Show:
Total independant channels used: 105
Total number of lights: 32,520
- 31,000 minature lights
- 1,413 c7 lights
- 45 spot lights
- 12 Strobe lights
- 50 c9 lights
Total length of extension cords used: 6,865 feet (1.3 miles)
2009 Show:
Total independent channels used: 73
Total number of lights: 25,564
- 24,620 minature lights
- 860 c7 lights
- 22 spot lights
- 12 strobe lights
Total length of extension cords used: 4497 feet (0.85 miles)
Total amps pulled: over 145A
Average programing time: 1 hour per ~10 seconds of show time
2008 Show:
Total independent channels used: 59
Total number of lights: 14180
- 13,300 minature lights
- 850 c7 lights
- 18 spot lights
- 12 strobe lights
Total length of extension cords used: 2600 feet (0.49 miles)
Total amps pulled: ~115A
Average programing time: 1 hour per ~10 seconds of show time
2007 Show:
Total independent channels used: 48
Total number of lights: 12415
- 12100 minature lights
- 300 c7 lights
- 15 spot lights
Total length of extension cords used: 1700 feet (0.32 miles)
Total amps pulled: 67.61A
Average programing time: 1 hour per ~10 seconds of show time
2006 Show:
Total independent channels used: 14
Total number of lights: 4650
- 4500 minature lights
- 150 c7 lights
- 1 spot light
Total amps pulled: 25.00A